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Home: Welcome

Family and Systemic Constellation work is initiating movement deep within the soul.
This movement then translates to the practical plane. 

I empower people feeling
stuck, lost, seeking change, disconnected from their origins and family,
and those having explored various other healing methods without success, by guiding them through healing movements, deeply rooted in their family system.

I offer workshops, private sessions, couples sessions, trainings, and private mentoring sessions.

Would you like to receive news about upcoming workshops, events and special offers? Please feel free to sign up here:

Thank you, I will keep you in informed!

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What are Family & Systemic Constellations?

Developed by Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist and psychoanalyst, in the 1990s, Family Constellation work has its origins in the practices of the Zulu people and Western therapeutic approaches. As we know and practice Constellations today, it is an alternative form of therapy and a life practice.


The conventional setting involves a seated circle of individuals who gather, offering their awareness and presence and thus creating, what practitioners refer to as, "the (Knowing) Field". This energy field is where the work takes place, whether conducted in a group or private setting. In the virtual format, the exploration of this field expands into new dimensions, maintaining the same core principles. 

At its core, Family Constellations rests on the notion that the issues and patterns we encounter in our daily lives (either on the surface or in the subconscious) are intricately connected to and deeply rooted in our family system.  The work involves building awareness of these connections, a process continually facilitated through this therapeutic approach.

The work was initially developed in a group setting (as it is still mostly practiced today), placing significant emphasis on the concept that when one individual shares and works on their issues and narratives, it is intended to benefit all participants in their own healing journey.

How does traditional Family & Systemic Constellation work occur practically, and what can one expect?

This work primarily revolves around listening to movements. The process begins with a "seeker," an individual with a specific issue, posing a question to the facilitator. The facilitator guides a process of "setting up" other participants from the circle (termed "representatives") in the center of the circle, known as "the Field."


These representatives then follow their impulses, offering insight into hidden dynamics and ultimately leading to profound healing movements—referred to by Bert Hellinger as "movements of the soul." The process is intuitive, non-biased, and fosters a connection with one's authenticity, inner wisdom, and soul force as the catalyst for change.

Participants may either have their own constellation set up or serve as representatives in others' constellations. It is crucial to note that this work is not only energy work but soul work, residing not in the intellect but within the depths of the soul. In German, Constellation work is also known as "Seelenarbeit" ("soul work").

In a one-on-one setting, my approach (which may drastically vary among facilitators) usually is guided meditation. This means that the "setting up" of representatives —family members and those connected to our family systems— takes place internally.

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Please note:

• Workshops vary in location and length. Workshops take place in in-person and virtual settings. Please read the descriptions carefully.

• "Representatives/Regular Participants" are participants who won't have their own constellation set up but are participating as representatives in other peoples' constellations or experience the constellations from the outside circle. "Seekers" are participants who will have their own constellation set up, as well as participate in other peoples' constellations as representatives or experience the constellations from the outside circle.

• It is recommended to participate at least twice as a "Representative/Regular Participant" before being a "Seeker" in a Constellations workshop. At workshops taking place at OHM Center this is a requirement.


Physical Locations:
• Ohm Center: 1143 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10065

• Balance Arts Center: 151 W 30th St 3rd fl, New York, NY 10001

• MINKA Brooklyn: at Grand Street Healing Project, 105 Grand St, Brooklyn, NY 11249

• Kripalu: 57 Interlaken Rd, Stockbridge, MA 01262

Check the calendar below for the full schedule of upcoming in-person or virtual workshops, live streams, info sessions and other events. This calendar is updated on a regular basis.

FOR ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS: Please contact me to set up an appointment.

Upcoming Dates


About Luisa Muhr



Luisa Muhr is a bilingual, New-York-based interdisciplinary artist and healing arts practitioner, specializing in Family & Systemic Constellations. She is originally from Vienna (Austria), with Hungarian and Anatolian-Greek roots. As the descendant of her great-grandfather, a Holocaust survivor, Constellation work has always played an integral part in Muhr’s life.

With now more than 20 years of experience in Family and Systemic Constellations, she was first introduced to Family Constellations, Guided Imagery work (Katathym-imaginative Psychotherapy), and Astrology as a young child through her mother and has been shaped by all these modalities since.


Constellation work was a part of Muhr's life on a monthly to bi-monthly basis, starting when she was 9 years old in her childhood home in Austria, where her mother regularly organized Constellations workshops. By the time Muhr turned 14, she actively started to participate in Constellations workshops, which were facilitated by her later mentor, Dr. Peter Orban, a prominent German Family Constellations facilitator and astrologer, who was also around Bert Hellinger in the early days of Constellation work. This eventually lead to Muhr completing her Family & Systemic Constellations certification training program with Dr. Orban. Influenced by her mentor, Muhr’s facilitation can also include a large variety of archetypes (rooted in Carl Jung's teachings).


As a Family and Systemic Constellations practitioner she has facilitated across NYC and beyond, at OHM Center, MINKA Brooklyn, Balance Arts Center, Maha Rose, Kripalu Center (Massachusetts), and virtually at The Rowe Center (Massachusetts). Muhr has also been featured on Kimberly Ann Johnson’s renowned "Sex, Birth, Trauma" podcast, amongst others.

Additionally, Muhr is a certified Deep Listening® practitioner (after experimental composer and pioneer Pauline Oliveros, by the Center For Deep Listening), combining art and healing work in a profound and fully embodied way.


During the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic Muhr started to develop and shape a virtual Constellations platform to continuously provide healing for people around the world, as well as offer her yearly Constellations Training Program. Muhr is holding regular workshops on a large variety of platforms and feels strongly about the importance of offering healing space to diverse, marginalized groups of people.

Apart from her work as a healing arts practitioner Muhr is a multi- and interdisciplinary arts creator and performer, specializing in vocal, movement, performance, installation, and sound art, as well as experimental theater. She also created New York's leading interdisciplinary womxn and non-binary artists series Between the Arts (formerly known as Women Between Arts) at The New School, which was active from 2017-2020. Muhr has been featured on some of New York's most highly acclaimed stages and venues, as well as tirelessly keeps creating new performance work locally and internationally.


She deeply believes in the power of different types of energy Field Work and that healing happens through multiple shapes, forms, and lenses, the arts being one of them, Constellation work another.

Podcasts & Interviews


Offerings & Services



I offer regular Family and Systemic Constellations workshops in New York City and beyond, as well as virtually.


Participants can choose to bring their own issues for a constellation setup as "seekers" (only a few spots are available per workshops), act as representatives in others' constellations, or hold space and experience in the outer circle. "Seekers" have the opportunity to explore issues related to various aspects of their lives, such as family dynamics, relationships, and career. Despite taking place in a group setting, these workshops prioritize confidentiality.

It's important to note that the work is beneficial for everyone in the room, regardless of whether they have their own constellation set up or are attending as regular participants. It is highly recommended for newcomers to experience the workshops as regular participants first to gain insight into Constellation work and its profound healing effects before bringing in their own issues.

For workshops at OHM Center, attending at least twice as a regular participant is a prerequisite before becoming a "seeker."

If you are uncertain about having your own constellation set up, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

To register for an upcoming workshop as a "seeker" or regular participant/representative, click on View Calendar below for the next available date(s). Due to limited space, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to working with you!


Don't forget to sign up for my newsletter and check this website for upcoming dates.

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Constellations Healing Circles

Private Family & Systemic Constellations Sessions

I offer private Constellations sessions for individuals or couples, in-person or virtually.


For those new to this work, it is recommended to attend a Family and Systemic Constellations (group) workshop first. However, if you feel strongly about wanting to do an individual session, find yourself in more immediate need, and/or in a time constraint, the one-on-one format might be just right for you, even if you are not familiar with Constellation work. 


Since the onset of the pandemic, I have primarily conducted sessions via video call. If you have inquiries about in-person one-on-one sessions, please contact me, considering the limited availability.

Please also note that there is a 48-hour cancellation policy.

Sliding Scale Pricing per approx. 60-75min PRIVATE SESSION:
$160-280: Virtual One-On-One Session

$260-380: In-Person One-On-One Session (at Balance Arts Center in NYC; *space rental fee included; limited availability)


Sliding Scale Pricing per approx. 120-150min COUPLE SESSION:
$280-480: Virtual Couple Session (please note: couple sessions last about two hours)

$380-580: In-Person Couple Session (please note: couples sessions last about two hours) (at Balance Arts Center in NYC; *space rental fee included; limited availability)


You have the flexibility to decide the sliding-scale price based on your income and financial needs. Your fairness and honesty about your situation are appreciated.

Sessions are usually conducted in English.

If you prefer to have your session in German, please simply make a note of it in your inquiry.

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One-on-one and Couple Sessions

The Path to Becoming a Constellations Facilitator



If you are interested in becoming a Family & Systemic Constellations facilitator and would like to train with me or if you are already a facilitator or student seeking individual mentoring sessions, please reach out to me for further details.


Please note that, in order to apply for the training program, you must have experienced at least one constellation in the past, either facilitated by me or another Constellations facilitator (in a group setting or privately). If you've had a constellation set up by another facilitator, it is recommended to attend at least one of my Constellations workshops as a participant or seeker before applying for the training program. This will provide you with a clearer understanding of how I work and assist you in making an informed decision. Exceptions can be made in certain cases.

If you are a healing arts practitioner (of the same or different modality) and/or mental health professional, regardless of whether you have had your own constellation set up before, you will generally meet the requirements to join the program, given there is still enough room. However, it is still recommended to participate at least once in a Constellation workshop or have a private session before joining.


Private mentoring will only be offered if you already are a Constellations facilitator or a current student of Constellation work (with me or a different mentor) and are curious or feel the need to receive more guidance in this wonderfully layered modality. 

All training programs and mentoring sessions by Family Constellations NYC will be exclusively conducted by Luisa Muhr.

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Training Programs and Mentoring
Connect & Inquire


Thank you, I will get back to you shortly!

or Email me directly here: fcnycinfoATgmailDOTcom

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